Dragonfly Designs combines yoga, art, textile & fiber arts, jewelry making and language (Spanish and Mandarin) immersion classes into a fun, art based camp in the SF Bay Area, ages 6 and up!
School is out but SHOWTIME is in! Don't miss a moment of fun. Audition, act, sing, dance and perform from hit musicals. One week Spring Camp: STRANGER THINGS March 23-27 and ten weeks of Summer Camp! Attend for one week or up to ten weeks!
For more than 50 years, summers at Appel Farm have sparked the imaginations of thousands of young people as they interacted with artists from around the world in beautiful rural southern New Jersey. Safety, Community, Personal Growth, and Fun guide our program that ignites creativity, kindness, and confidence!
Kids Summer Fashion Camp
For more than 60 fantastic summers, campers, and counselors have joined in a fun and supportive spirit, making summer memories worth reminiscing for years to come. We invite you to join in on the fun, and thank you for considering Pine Crest Summer!
Vocal Performance Camp featuring field trips, music industry workshops, songwriting, house concerts, studio tours, showcases and more!
"Where business MEETS Creativity"
Est. in 1955, Harand Camp was one of the nation's first camps to combine singing, dancing, and acting with the fun of traditional camp activities. Co-ed, ages 7-18, musical theater, sports, activities, excursions & events, non-competitive family environment, modern facilities on Lake Michigan, 1-6 week overnight sessions, scholarships & payment plans available. At Harand Camp "No Man is an Island" and EVERYONE is a STAR!
Ermitage School will be keeping its doors open this summer! English-speakers who are curious about the French language and culture, travel, and meeting friends from around the world are invited to share in this two-week program.
Beautiful location, progressive programming and great staff means a summer you won't forget! Established in 1928, Camp Logan serves girls of all ages in a 200-acre setting in northern Indiana. Programs are focused in the areas of Aquatics, Equestrian, Outdoor/Adventure and Leadership.
If you’re looking for a fun, immersive and interactive summer arts experience for your kids, look no further than CCM Preparatory! Our summer attractions include a wide variety of programs in Music, Dance and Theatre Arts for all ages and levels.
For students interested in classics and in art, poetry, ice cream, adventure & the direct experience of another language & culture. Students have classes mornings & travel afternoons, and learn to connect individually to the literature & art of the past. Assisi is our home-base, but all of Italy is our sourcebook.Students travel widely to see some of the greatest works of art & architecture of all times from classical to contemporary!
We are committed to providing exciting, safe, and positive experiences where young people learn about themselves, others, and the environment. We believe learning should occur naturally in a fun, supportive, non-competitive environment. Beautiful 250-acre camp in the Allegheny Mountains.
Let the spotlight shine on you this summer! Weekly and 2 week camps.ages 6-18 led by a professional staff with unequaled experience.
Enjoy Adventures in Art including glass fusing, clay building, drawing, painting, tye-dye, weaving, and much more! Learn about color theory, art history or the fiber arts, and take a nature walk in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
During the summer Western Michigan University offers a wide variety of camps geared toward students of all ages. Our camps range from academic to sports, with a little bit of everything in between. Camps vary in cost based on requirements.
In summer 2023, we are offering five separate 2 week camp sessions: First Spotlight Young Actors Camp, Rock Roll Repeat! Rock and Roll Music Camp, Broadway Bound Musical Theatre Camp, Antic Arts Comedy Theatre Camp, plus Dungeons & Dragons game camp.