China Quest Summer Program
Beijing, Beijing

Summer study and travel abroad program in China. 5 week Chinese language and culture study plus travel to Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Suzhou, Luoyang, and Shanghai.

Steve Odom's Martial Arts Academy Summer Camp!
Canton, GA

Karate, Exercise, Personal Growth! Life Lessons, Manners, Respect, Self-discipline, Self Control, Self Defense, Determination, Leadership, Patience, Perseverance, Desire to be best they can be.. Top-notch Martial Arts training!!

360 Sports Camp
Fleischmanns, NY

Sports camp where kids learn PROPER technique and confidence!

Kutsher's Sports Academy
Great Barrington, MA

Professional sports instruction in a traditional camp environment.

The Movement Park - Parkour & More
Hillsboro, OR

Join us this summer at The Movement Park's parkour facility for a truly unforgettable experience as we bring your imagination to life! Explore movement in a creative and interactive way by brining storylines to life.

Gresham Super Summer Camp
Gresham, OR

Fun feild trips to the park, arts & crafts, swimming, gymnastics, world class martial arts and self defense program all add up to having the best summer ever!

Camp Lohikan in the Pocono Mountains
Lake Como, PA

All Arts, Sports & Adventure Activities. 65+Daily Activities PLUS Horseback Riding (FREE!), Paintball, Jet Ski, Water Ski, Quads/Dirt Bikes, Bungee, Circus, Flying Trapeze, Skate Park, Tennis, Gymnastics, Spy Camp, Rock Band, Crafts, Drama, Dance, Music. Elective "Your Choice" Program. 2,4,6,8 Wks. One-Week Mini-Camps (6/20-26 & 8/20-26) $1100. First-Time Camper Specialists. Tuition Refund Guarantee.

Precision Instruction Summer Camps
Greensboro, NC

Precision Instruction is offering summer camps for all ages looking to play sports, we have camps that are Sport Specific (Golf and Tennis) as well as an all- around sports camp

Tarzana Aikikai Spring Camp
Tarzana, CA

Aikido Spring Camp "Aikido and the Environment", April 18-22, 2011, ages 5-12. Day camp for beginning and continuing students of Aikido, a nonviolent, noncompetitive Japanese martial art known as the Art of Peace.

Sino Language Gateway
Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, China

Sino Language offers a variety of summer programs in China that combines language learning, culture immersion, sports, service activities, and traveling altogether. They are designed to offer students first-hand experience about Chinese language, deeper understanding about the culture and society, and make connections with local Chinese. Thousands of students across the U.S. and +25 countries have attended the program since 2003.

Camp Nova of University School of NSU
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Camp Nova has something for everyone! Our camp is uniquely designed to allow campers to choose a specialty core each session from our eclectic selection of activities while also exploring and gaining new skills throughout the day.

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