Camp Directors
Upgrade Your Listing

Elevated Rank & Enhanced Visibility
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1st Tier Ranking
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1st Tier Ranking
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1st Tier Ranking
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1st Tier Ranking
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You will be able to select upgrade on a subsequent stop.
After we've processed your upgrade, an invoice will be emailed containing payment options / instructions.
Annual term begins upon the date of activation and continues for 12 consecutive months.
Authorized Use Only - Requests to modify listings are authorized only to those individuals who are listed as the "Contact Person" or to those who have explicit permission from the entity with whom has an agreement.
Annual term begins upon the date of activation and continues for 12 consecutive months.
Authorized Use Only - Requests to modify listings are authorized only to those individuals who are listed as the "Contact Person" or to those who have explicit permission from the entity with whom has an agreement.

Discounted rates on listings for those camps with paid listings on the Camp Channel's core website.