Gorgeous overnight summer camp on the Puget Sound. Middle school, high school & family sessions. Scholarships available. Register online today.
CYO camps of Western Washington offer campers a fun, safe outdoor experience. Choose from our 2 residential camps and travel camp.
Outdoor Adventures offers outdoor skill-building and leadership adventure training for teens through week long overnight camps led by professional, certified outdoor instructors..
Girls outdoor adventure camp offered in Montana, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming. For 1 or 2 weeks pre teen and teen girls ages 11 - 16 enjoy hiking, camping, horseback riding, rafting, backpacking, sea kayaking, surfing, rock climbing and more!
Located on the beautiful Puget Sound, YMCA Camp Seymour isn't your ordinary camp. We offer options for all ages and focus on creating space for everyone to feel welcome. Our programs create opportunities for growth, independence, and fun all while making new friends and learning new things.
Camp Arrowhead is a Girl Scout summer resident camp located 65 miles east of Portland, Oregon near Stevenson, Washington in the scenic Columbia River Gorge. All girls welcome!
Youth Dynamics is a relational adventure ministry that helps youth discover life in Christ through dynamic relationships and challenging experiences. The Adventures branch utilizes outdoor adventure and challenge to introduce topics of faith, leadership, teamwork, and God.