A week long summer enrichment day camp offered in your local elementary schools for children in second through sixth grades.
Based on the Montessori philosophy, Pinewoods in Hillsborough offers a variety of one week camps to suit toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age children.
Broadreach offers educational summer adventures for teenagers with scuba, sailing, marine biology, language immersion, service and wilderness programs in the Caribbean, Central and South America, Iceland, Canada, South Africa, France, Fiji and India.
Ready to Push your child to think outside the box???? Well look no further Camp Purpose 2020 is ready to blow your child’s mind with S.T.E.M & innovation projects paired with a summer filled with adventure.
IMACS Hi-Tech Summer Camp offers exciting academic programs in Computer Programming, Virtual Robotics, Electronics, Logic Puzzles and Mathematics for bright and talented campers in grades 1-12. South Florida: Plantation, Weston, Boca Raton; North Carolina: Cary, Chapel Hill, Raleigh! Full-day and partial-day programs are available.
Build confidence and gain an academic advantage at Zaniac with our award-winning programs and Summer STEAM Camps! Weekly themes include: Technology & Design, Science & Engineering, Robotics & Computer Science, and Zane Math Camp.
Two separate summer programs offered; 5 week Summer Academic Camp (credit, accleration, enhancement, remediation, repeat), Two--2 week Leadership/Adventure Camp (leadership training, athletics, and recreational/outdoor activities).
Engineering Camp Charlotte gives campers fun and exciting engineering design challenges - allowing kids to work hands on every day to learn the engineering disciplines
Robotic Camp using Lego robotics, microbits and video game creation programs allowing your child hands-on experience in design, construction and programming of robot and other programming tools.. Ignite your child's love of STEM: Science Technology, Engineering and Math.
Explore the Ocean and the unique world of Sea Turtles, through our hands-on marine science summer camps!
Archaeology Adventurers campers work with professional archaeologists to uncover the buried remains of a 16th-century Spanish colony that mysteriously disappeared more than 400 years ago.
PARI’s summer STEM and space exploration, and astronomy camp programming is designed to inspire your young scientist’s curiosity, passion, and confidence to discover something extraordinary. We give campers experiences that encourage deeper thinking and problem solving skills while finding opportunities for comradery, adventure, and fun in the incredible Pisgah Forest region.