Avoid Nature Deficit Disorder
Camp Crescent Cove is an overnight 3.5 week session camp for boys and girls in Raymond, Maine. Join us at The Cove for a spirited, energized and unbelievable summer where lifetime friendships and memories will be made.
Traditional Boys Summer Camp located on Panther Pond in Raymond, ME.
Wawenock is a welcoming camp family that celebrates each girl’s unique skills and personality. A Wawenock experience grounds girls with stable roots and empowers her with the confidence to fly at camp and beyond!
Traditional, values-oriented camp program at a site combining mature forest and open spaces on the shores of beautiful Crescent Lake in Southern Maine.
Build independence and self-esteem with counselors who really care. Kingsley Pines - it is the way camp should be! (Ages 8-16, Coed, 2 & 3 Week Sessions)