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Slovenski Camps
Raymond, ME

Avoid Nature Deficit Disorder

Camp Crescent Cove
Raymond, ME

Camp Crescent Cove is an overnight 3.5 week session camp for boys and girls in Raymond, Maine. Join us at The Cove for a spirited, energized and unbelievable summer where lifetime friendships and memories will be made.

Camp Timanous
Raymond, ME

Traditional Boys Summer Camp located on Panther Pond in Raymond, ME.

Camp Wawenock
Raymond, ME

Wawenock is a welcoming camp family that celebrates each girl’s unique skills and personality. A Wawenock experience grounds girls with stable roots and empowers her with the confidence to fly at camp and beyond!

Raymond, ME

Traditional, values-oriented camp program at a site combining mature forest and open spaces on the shores of beautiful Crescent Lake in Southern Maine.

Kingsley Pines Camp
Raymond, ME

Build independence and self-esteem with counselors who really care. Kingsley Pines - it is the way camp should be! (Ages 8-16, Coed, 2 & 3 Week Sessions)

U.S. States: Maine: Raymond