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Theater for Kids at Portland Stage
Portland, ME

The curtain is going up... on a summer filled with the excitement and magic of theater camp! Full and half day options for kids ages 5-18, instruction by professional actors and educators.

Camp Pondicherry, Camp Natarswi
So. Portland, ME

The Girl Scouts of Maine offers two resident camps in Southern, and Northern Maine. Camps are open to Girl Scouts and non-Girl Scouts.

Maine Red Claws Jr. Red Claws Basketball Camp
Portland, ME

Basketball camp with instruction provided by Red Claws staff & guests

Mad Science of Maine
Portland, ME

Gallons of glowing liquids; strange objects flying through the air; messages written in secret code; robots that dance upon command. Is this a fictional account of a visit to another planet? No . . it's a Mad Science summer camp!

U.S. States: Maine: Portland