The San Francisco Conservatory offers select programs for young musicians seeking a stimulating yet supportive summer experience that encompasses the traditions of Conservatory training.
Intensive, pre-college training programs for instrumentalists (percussion) and performers (Musical Theatre)
Stage Company Summer Camps are a great opportunity for a week-long Theatre experience. We teach our campers singing, acting and dance and how they work together in a Musical Production.
The Summer Music Institutes provide multifaceted opportunities for young musicians’ artistic growth. Through intensive institutes focused on Harp, Chamber Music, Guitar, Choir, Violin and Piano, SMI offers unique music experiences.
We bring together young people for four weeks of musical study and performance in a supportive community. We welcome band, orchestra, choir, composition, piano, and pipe organ students completing grades 8–12 from all faith backgrounds to join us.
Learn the art of ensemble playing in the professional and supportive atmosphere. Daily rehearsals, lessons, and workshops will culminate in a gala recital. Located in Westchester, NY.
An empowering, award-winning, and ACA accredited music and arts camp for girls!
Songs of Hope-an international performing arts camp. Living together, campers learn about each other’s countries/cultures through a dynamic program of activities & living experiences, while preparing their concert of international music.
We Will Rock You! Music & Theatre and Lisa Guyer's Music Empowerment
Join us in Berkeley Heights and New Providence for summer enrichment including private music lessons, orchestral and ensemble camps, and musical theatre, dance, and drama programs for students ages 4-16 of all abilities.
Come and join us on Luther College's beautiful campus for a week full of music making, crafts, theatre, and fun!
Designed for students with a genuine desire to develop their theatre performance skills, Wingspan Arts Conservatory Programs offer pre-professional training for teens, and creative theatre classes for younger students
Prepares young children for musical study, refines skills of music and dance students; developed and taught by university-trained teachers.
Performing Arts Summer Musical Theater Camps - Drama, Music, and Dancing
Rising Star produces a musical production with kids ages 5 - 15 - Summer Shows - CINDERELLA, Lucky Stars (ages7 - 12) and Rising Stars GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY (ages 10 - 16)
Want to start your week as a novice and end it as a pro? You can at Septien! We give lots of insight to the artist who wants to improve their music career or introduce music to a budding pop star or a rocker!!!
Rock Band Summer Camps
Whether you have a tiny tot who loves the spotlight or you're a seasoned actor preparing for an audition, we offer quarterly classes including one- and two-week summer camps as well as private coaching for all ages.