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Boyd Archaeological Field School
Pickering, ON

Boyd Archaeological Field School (BAFS) is Canada’s only high school course giving students credits for real archaeology. Unearth a 14th century village. Try ancient skills. Learn from archaeologists, academics and indigenous educators.

Museum Expedition: Archaeology Camp
Tuscaloosa, AL

EXPLORATION, DISCOVERY, AND ADVENTURE! A scientific field program for high school students, teachers, parents, and adults interested in archaeology, history, and natural science.

Alexandria Archaeology Summer Camp
Alexandria, VA

Join City Archaeologists for a unique opportunity excavating a real site! Gain hands-on experience in site-excavation methods and record keeping. Learn how to use a transit; process and catalog artifacts in the laboratory; and interpret the information.

Archaeology Adventurers Summer Camps
Morganton, NC

Archaeology Adventurers campers work with professional archaeologists to uncover the buried remains of a 16th-century Spanish colony that mysteriously disappeared more than 400 years ago.

Wolf Camp offers unique overnight camps in beautiful outdoor locations of Washington State. Directors Kim & Chris Chisholm are on site teaching our highly-trained staff throughout the summer.

Photo 1: Wolf-Camp-School-of-Natural-Science Photo 2: Wolf-Camp-School-of-Natural-Science
Dig History! Day Camps for Teens
Thomson, GA

Explore the history of Georgia from the Native Americans through today.

Mad Science of St. Louis Summer Camps
St. Louis, MO

Mad Science provides fun, hands-on science camps throughout St. Louis! Does your child dream to be an inventor? Robotics engineer? Rocket scientist? Let us spark your child’s imagination through science.

Lazy Acres Day Camp
Magnolia, TX

Lazy Acres is THE place to be for summer fun! We offer an awesome variety of fun and exciting activities for everyone. Our program encourages leadership, respect, and learning through adventure in our 9 unique theme weeks.

Mad Science of Maine
Portland, ME

Gallons of glowing liquids; strange objects flying through the air; messages written in secret code; robots that dance upon command. Is this a fictional account of a visit to another planet? No . . it's a Mad Science summer camp!

Planet Kids Summer Day Camps
Milton, ON

Offering over 35 exciting day camp programs and serving 3000 families from Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Georgetown and beyond, Planet Kids is one of the largest private day-camp providers in Canada.

Museum of Northern Arizona: Discovery Program
Flagstaff, AZ

Explore the wonders of the Colorado Plateau with the Discovery Program, a summer camp for youth at the Museum of Northern Arizona.

Funtastic Summer Camps At Rising Star Academy
Katy, TX
Peniel Ranch
Okanogan , WA

Located along the Columbia River in Okanogan County, Washington, Peniel Ranch is a Christian family camp and retreat center geared towards families and church groups.

Humanities Spring Archeology Boot Camp
Assisi, HI

A humanistic approach to archeology: Intensive, site-specific exploration & study of Pompeii, Paestum, Rome, & many smaller Roman & Etruscan sites, plus related literature & art. Students experience firsthand baths, frescoes, inscriptions, temples, amphitheaters, theaters (& more!), learn to think like archeologists, make connections & discover the spirit of adventure at the heart of archeology.

Humanities Spring in Assisi
Assisi, PG

For students interested in classics and in art, poetry, ice cream, adventure & the direct experience of another language & culture. Students have classes mornings & travel afternoons, and learn to connect individually to the literature & art of the past. Assisi is our home-base, but all of Italy is our sourcebook.Students travel widely to see some of the greatest works of art & architecture of all times from classical to contemporary!

WMU Summer Camps
Kalamazoo, MI

During the summer Western Michigan University offers a wide variety of camps geared toward students of all ages. Our camps range from academic to sports, with a little bit of everything in between. Camps vary in cost based on requirements.