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New Features For Summer Camp Listings
The Camp Channel has recently released some new features to aid parents and prospective campers in locating a summer camp. In particular, we’ve established a new “Featured Camp Videos” page, which provides an index of all summer camp listings which contain a video clip. Now you are able to actually see and hear actual camp activities taking place, facilities, thoughts from campers, as well as some words from camp directors about their summer camp program. Check out our growing list of camp videos at:
Secondly, we’ve implemented an enhanced mapping interface to allow visitors to visually recognize the location of summer camps when searching by U.S. states:
Or, by Canadian provinces:
Summer camp listings may now also include larger thumbnail photos as well as their camp logo (click on any thumbnail to see full size). You may also come across some summer camp listings which now include a printable (PDF) camper enrollment form.
Check back often as camps update their listings with new our new features.
Hockey Camps & Robotics Camps Added As New Categories
We have recently added specialty camp categories for Hockey Camps and Robotics Camps. Hockey camps may include ice hockey, field hockey, and street hockey. Robotics camps are typically computer oriented programs which provide hands on experience with designing, programming, and building robots and components.
While many summer camps may offer either hockey or robotics as individual activities within a general camp program, some camps will exclusively focus on these activities as a major component of their core program. You can find these summer camps by conducting a full interactive search or view a full list of hockey or robotics programs on our system by clicking on the links below:
You may wish to re-visit the Camp Channel as our list grows. If you are summer camp director and would like to add your hockey camp or robotics camp to our directory, please visit the following web address:
Maps of Summer Camps and Camp Programs
At the end of 2008, the Camp Channel added an online interactive map application in order to view the location of a summer camp. Maps can be viewed directly from a search results list, or from the full camp profile page of a listing. Please note: not all camp program listings have maps.
If you are a summer camp director and currently do not have a map included within your Basic or Full Hyperlink listing, please visit the following web address to do so now:
Summer Camp Rentals on
The Camp Channel is excited to announce the official launch of a website dedicated almost entirely to summer camp rentals and leases. Feel free to search or browse our wide and growing list of rental camp opportunities at:
Rent or lease a summer camp for large groups, parties, company outings, programs, retreats, weddings, family reunions, picnics, etc. Many summer camps offer facilities suited for relatively large groups of people for dining, lodging, and other activities. Typically located in a remote natural environment, summer camps can provide a tranquil, yet dynamic setting to facilitate group interaction or simply a great place to relax.
Some camps offer long term lease arrangements if you are a director seeking suitable summer camp facilities.
Searching For Summer Camps on the Camp Channel
The Camp Channel offers a large chest of tools to assist you in finding an excellent summer camp based upon your needs and preferences. In contrast to general search engines such as Google and Yahoo, the Camp Channel provides a number of different methods:
- You are able to conduct an all-inclusive full camp search – where you can check off all the activities, regional constraints, and other criteria you’d like in a summer program. This particular type of search is a great place to start to really get down to the nitty gritty.
- You can also browse for summer camps according to a category or type; whether it is all camps in a particular state, or a kids camp which offers a particular activity as a specialty such as basketball camps, football camps, baseball camps, drama camps, computer camps, weight loss camps, art camps, etc.
- Similar to the large search engines, you can also perform a keyword search to pull up a list of summer camp programs which are relevant to your search terms.
- If you already know the name of the camp you’re interested in, you can also search by camp name.
Sometimes it helps to use multiple methods or try a number of different searches because you may at first pull up too many or too few results and need to adjust your search criteria. For example, our full search has a “switch” allowing you to perform either a “wide search” or a “narrow search”. A narrow search will require that results contain ALL of the particular activities you’ve checked off, whereas a wide search will only require that at least one of your criteria be present in a listing.
Second, you may find a different type of search will provide you with a more appropriate list of results. Let’s say you’re searching for a summer day camp for your child. Typically, day camps must be located relatively close to where you live, typically no more than an hour drive (max). So, you may wish to select Browse: U.S. States and then seek out day camps in the city where you live.
OK, now you have a list of matching summer youth camps, what do you do from here?
At some point, you’ll start to want to dig a little deeper to find out more about any given summer program. The format of the search results LIST contains important, but minimal information, including: camp name, short description, location(s), whether it’s coed/all boys/all girls, and sometimes there are photos and a link to a map. However, if you click on the blue button titled “More Info”, you’ll then obtain the full record for a camp listing. On the full record page, you’ll find more information directly on the page as well as a series of buttons above the camp name which opens up small pop-up windows (be sure your web browser isn’t set to block pop-up windows): contact info, activities & features, and more descriptive information about camp (if applicable).
As far as contacting camps for more information: the vast majority of summer camp directors will be thrilled to hear from you as an interested parent or camper!
If you’re looking at a list of camps, be sure to click on the “More Info” button on the far right of each listing to see a camp’s full profile. From this point, there are basically three methods for you to make contact with a summer camp on the Camp Channel:
- Visit a camp’s website. Some, but not all camp listings offer a direct link to their website. While the Camp Channel’s listings try to provide consolidated and detailed basic information to allow you to search and sort through a large number of options, it’s often extremely beneficial to visit to a camp’s website which will give you a much better perspective regarding a particular summer camp program.
- Email a camp. At the bottom of each listing on the Camp Channel, you’ll find a short “Request For More Information” email form which will allow you to send off an email to a camp. By clicking on the link (below the submit button) titled “Create/Edit My Email Message”, you can create a standardized message (which you can adjust as needed) to efficiently send requests to many different camps.
- Call the camp directly. Be sure you’ve clicked the aqua blue button on the far right titled “More Info”, then look directly above the Camp Name (at the very top of the page) and you’ll find a button titled “Contact Information”. Click on this button to obtain telephone and mailing address information.
Many camps will have DVD’s or full color brochures to provide you with more information. You may also want to keep in mind that many overnight/sleepaway camps maintain a winter office which is different than their summer office. Depending upon what time of the year you attempt to contact (by telephone or U.S. Postal Service), you may want to be sure to try the appropriate office. There’s no one size rule fits all: directors may head up to camp for the summer as early as April and stay at camp as late as September. There are some camp offices which operate year round.