Use code: CAMPCHANNEL$ to save $50 on the camp tuition (Code is valid for every camp location except PA). Founded in 1983, we have the best teaching football programs in the nation having graduated over 107,000 athletes, many currently playing at the college level. This will be our 39th successful year of football instruction.
Get into the best physical and mental shape of your life while enjoying a great camp experience. Full land and water sports program plus nutrition classes cooking classes and behaviour modifacation. weight loss self esteem and fun
Join hundreds of families in our Family Camp, Grandparent/Child Camp, and Single Parent family camp weekends. Great facilities and fun await you at a great price.
Success, Confidence, Enthusiasm, Acheivement & Self Worth. It is to this end that our program of therapeutic recreation has been designed. Every activity is planned to meet the capabilities of each child. Our campers feel they belong.
South Mountain YMCA Camp Conrad Weiser is a coed traditional camping program for children ages 7-17. Campers live in brand new modern log cabins on 500 mountaintop acres. The staff are dedicated to providing safe, fun experiences for children. From our Athletics to our Arts & Nature programs, Camp Conrad Weiser affords many opportunities to develop new skills.
1st-Time Camper Guarantee! Separate Campus for teens! Over 60 Daily Activities: Horseback Riding (no fee), Trapeze, Paintball, ATVs, Tennis (10 courts), Skateboarding, Bubble Soccer, Extreme Sports, Creative & Performing Arts, Clinics (survival, scuba). Select your activities daily! Modern Facilities. Mature Staff. Quality Instruction. 2-4-6-8 week sessions. Same family ownership since 1962. Tuition Credits. ACA accredited.
Located in South Central Pennsylvania, Camp Penn is surrounded by the beautiful Michaux State Forest & next to the Appalachian Trail. This historic facility, built by Civilian Conservation Corps, hosts retreat groups & annual summer camps.
Windwood Summer Day Camp offers a wide variety of activities. Windwood is a weekly run camp. Come and sign up for as many weeks as you want. There is an early drop off time and a late pick up time for your convience. 724-935-6880
Capital Camps is a Jewish Community Centers Association (JCCA) and American Camp Association (ACA) accredited camp for young people grades 3 through 10 in the greater Washington, Maryland and Northern Virginia regions.
Take your school age children’s summer fun to new heights at our week long camp!
TLC Charm Etiquette and Modeling is hosting a Spring Break Modeling Camp for girls between the ages of 4 - 17.
A quiet place where God speaks to hearts - hear HIM here!
Uptown Studio at the Uptown Knauer Performing Arts Center is a community wide acting and musical theater school. Join Uptown Studio for a summer of theatre fun and exploration, where your performer can learn practical theatre skills, develop their imagination, and find their own unique voice. Early Bird & Multiple Discounts Available!