Fundamentals Sports Camp provides quality sports and character education to young boys and girls.
Day Camp Activities include: Indoor; Outdoor Activities, Go Carts, Rock Climbing, Signature Destinations and Special Events.
ThrillCoaster Tours is unlike any teen travel camp in the world. We visit 15 amusement parks, tour exciting cities, visit the beach, and stay all 26 nights in first class hotel rooms.
Join us for a new and exciting Virtual Summer Art Camp, now in its 28th year inspiring young artists, at the Watchung Arts Center.
Camp COLEY is a coed resident camp, that gives children the opportunity to spend time outdoors, while learning new things, and making new friends that will last a lifetime!
The All Star Baseball Camp is the number 1 Baseball Camp in America with 19 years experience and over 18,000 campers graduated. The camp is held every summer at the Ramapo College of New Jersey in Mahwah, New Jersey.
Licensed Swim Instruction, Recreational Sports & Fun Activities
School of Rock Princeton’s music camps and workshops are designed to bring out the best performance in a fast-paced learning environment. Just like our standard programs, our camps offer a high-energy experience that is fun, creative and team-oriented. Our students learn music by playing it with their peers, guided by experienced instructors from the music community.
Learn to perform, compose, and improvise in a variety of rock styles, while meeting new friends in a fun and inspiring environment. RC is lead by master teachers/performers from NYC and NJ, who also teach at area colleges/universities.
Day camp located in Summit, NJ, held June 26 - August 11, 2017 for boys and girls ages 3-16.
Appalachian Mountain Club Family Camp at Mohican Outdoor Center
This Summer, Your Child Can Experience a Camp Like No Other when they join us for summer days filled with real hands-on discovery and real camp fun!
Power Dance is for dancers who want to improve their technique and performance skills. Many of our dancers have apperared on Broadway, we have a professional faculty, and everyone has a great time dancing the summer away!
Robotics Camp sessions at The College of New Jersey. Campers have a competition and win awards at the end of each session.
Erik Bernstein's "Throw Far - Go Far" Javelin Throw - Coaching, Training, Camps & Clinics > Effective Private - Individual & Small Group Coaching... Throughout New Jersey!... A Whole Lot More than "Just Throwing the Jav!"...
Our goal is to provide a stimulating, creative, and educational day camp program for children in a safe and controlled setting. We want every child to be challenged, both physically and mentally, and to excel to their greatest potential.
Instructional volleyball camps for beginning through advanced players age 8-18. Separate girls and boys camps at our 6-court facility. Day (9am-4pm), morning (9am-noon), or evening (530-830pm) camps are available. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Students will take class and rehearse with a comprehensive array of industry professionals, learn every aspect of the theatre, and showcase what they have learned in a performance
Camp Vacamas is a non-profit sleepaway camp offering exciting traditional programs for 7-13 year old campers and specialty programs for 14-16 year olds in our Teen Camp. This allows boys and girls to make friends and reach their true potential. Our mission is to provide youth development and growth through safe, fun and affordable positive summer experiences. Financial assistance and Scholarships available.Fees are based on a sliding scale.