In camp programing offers over 20 camp activities to sign up for each day. Or choose to take an adventure in one of Northern Minnesotas beautiful wilderness areas canoeing, backpacking, kayaking, mountain biking, fishing, or rock climbing, you and friends learn to live comfortably in the outdoors as you experience all the fun and challenge the wilderness has to offer.
Campers from the Twin Cities and beyond have fun learning new skills through a variety of adventurous activities led by caring counselors, many of whom are international. Camp Fire Minnesota is 104 acres along the shores of beautiful Lake Minnewashta with both natural forest and prairie lands, which is ideal for exploration and nature based education.
Widjiwagan YMCA wilderness adventures are offered starting at age 12 and progress through advanced 30-55 day invitational trips for 18 year olds. Respect for self, others, environment and equipment are core to the Widji way.
Camp Friendship, Eden Wood, Camp Courage, Camp Courage North, and Camp New Hope serve children and adults with developmental and other disabilities, children without disabilities also welcome to attend. Campers participate in traditional camp activities.
YMCA Camp Menogyn offers high-quality wilderness adventures throughout North America! Exciting activities such as canoeing, backpacking and rock climbing all have an emphasis on personal growth, skill development and relationships.
Camp Olson YMCA,an ACA accredited camp, is located in North Central Minnesota and offers traditional camp programs for youth ages 7-17 and specializes in sailing, horseback riding and leadership programs.